skelly PC

After what feels like a lifetime of meetings, debates, and more coffee than any human should consume, we've finally reached a point where we can focus on key issues. After our members turned out in force, demonstrating their commitment to the cause and making it clear that we won't back down.

Discussion regarding paid time off was had making it clear that our members aren't robots who can run endlessly without a break.

Working from home started as a simple request for flexibility turned into a full-blown debate about productivity, accountability, and whether you need home insurance or not.

While the company initially offered a benefits package that was as bare as a skeleton, we’ve managed to put some meat on those bones.

In conclusion, while the process has been long and, at times, more frustrating than trying to untangle last year’s Christmas lights, we’ve made significant progress. These agreements mark significant progress, but the fight isn’t over. We’ll keep pushing forward until every member gets the respect and compensation they deserve.