Events Calendar

People's Presidential Forum - Des Moines IA
Saturday 21 September 2019, 12:00pm - 04:30pm
Hits : 708
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Below is the description and details to date for the Iowa People’s Presidential Forum on Saturday, September 21, 12:00 - 4:30 p.m. at the Iowa Events Center, 833 5th Street Des Moines, hosted by Peoples Action a national network of community organizations.

This not a typical debate style format but a real conversation led by community leaders who will be engaging the Democratic Presidential Candidates on:

• Medicare for All
• Green New Deal
• Unions for All
• A Factory Farm Moratorium
• Racial Profiling
• Homes Guarantee
• Free College for All

Representing CWA will be Meggan Halvorson a leader with the Committee for Better Banks (CBB) from Minneapolis, MN. CWA is a founding member of the CBB, a campaign that aligns bank workers, consumers, community and labor organizations to reform the banking industry. Meggan will be sharing the stage with Senator Sanders as she tells her story and ask a question of all the candidates before their closing remarks. This is a huge opportunity to insert banking into the Presidential debate from the bank workers’ perspective.

Confirmed Candidates: Senator Sanders, Senator Warren, Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, and potentially Mayor Pete Buttegieg and Senator Kamala Harris

Depart MN via coach bus:
7 am Local 7200,3521 E Lake St, Minneapolis, MN 55406

9:30 am Rest Area Break
10 am Depart Rest Area
11:45 am Arrive at Events Center
12-4:30 pm Forum
4:45 pm Depart Des Moines
8:30-9 pm Arrive Minneapolis

Transportation via coach will be covered by CWA as well as mileage to the event if you are driving a car to go to CWA leadership school after the event. CWA will also cover a light breakfast, lunch and dinner. We will also have snacks and drinks on the bus. I am working on getting District or HQ to pay for an additional night at the Iowa House for those attending CWA Leadership School in Iowa City. I will know by Friday if this is approved.

People should contact, me directly either via text at 773-330-3118 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register or if they have questions.

FB Event:

Location 833 5th Street Des Moines IA