ADT Bargaining Report #2

August 8th 2024 

Friends & Union Family at ADT,
We have now had four bargaining sessions with Florida-based ADT Labor Relations Director James Nixdorf. As we described in our previous report we have already come to a tentative agreement on the bulk of a three-year contract. This contract will bring many improvements including:
  • Overtime pay (time and a half) after 8 hours a day as well as after 40 hours a week
  • Paid Holidays and Floating Holidays 
  • Paid and Excused Sick Time (Separate from Vacation Time) - based on the new MN ESST law language
  • Seniority Protections and Severance Pay 
  • A Grievance and Arbitration Process
The Union Bargaining Team also discovered a company error in the Spring merit-pay that negatively-impacted two employees. Two workers did not receive the full Merit raise that the company had offered and the Union approved. We brought this to Nixdorf's attention immediately, and today he confirmed the error and will be rectifying it soon. (The two techs have been contacted by the Union).

This leaves only the Wage Schedule minimums to bargain. These discussions have been difficult. The company values maximum flexibility with their alternative compensation programs and so have little interest in negotiating raises to the minimum pay rates.
At times the bargaining has been extremely frustrating. Mr. Nixdorf is in denial about the high turn-over among ADT Techs, and has been unwilling to admit that wages are a key issue in that turn-over. While the company has now moved their numbers up about 6% from their original offer - they are still far from meeting the Union's proposals.
In order to get what we need and deserve, we need to get ADT workers more involved in showing our UNITY & DETERMINATION. The company needs to understand that we are serious about getting a strong deal. 
Please join us at the ADT warehouse parking lot on Tuesday morning August 13th at 7:00am to get information, get some union gear, and take a unity photo together. 
And on Wednesday morning, August 14th please join your Steward Jesse Selin sending a message to ADT management at the company breakfast.
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The agreement for the Twin Cities, when ready, will not be final until YOU and your co-workers vote to approve it. 
In order to vote on the contract (and other union decisions) please sign-up as a member today:
Dues are 1.3% of your base wages and will not start until an agreement is voted on and approved by the majority of the unit. 
For questions or representation at work, contact one of your CWA 7250 Stewards:
Tim Bui 651-434-8898
Jesse Selin 612-990-6229
For communication with the CWA 7250 Bargaining Team, contact: 
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CWA 7250 ADT Bargaining Committee
CWA 7250 ADT Bargaining Committee:
Tristia Melzer, ADT Tech (Co-Chair)
Marvin Wells, CWA District 7 Representative (Co-Chair)
Jesse Selin, ADT Tech
Kieran F. Knutson, CWA 7250 President