Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #29 - 07/01/24
Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #29
July 1, 2024
Picture for a moment a world of opposites. Day is night and shadows shine brightly while the sun casts darkness. Warmth comes from the icy touch of snow, and fire cools with its gentle, soothing flames. Silence roars, drowning out the whispers of thunder, and laughter brings tears of sorrow. Gravity repels, causing objects to float gently into the air, and time flows backward, with memories forming before experiences.
Well something must be wrong for it seems in a world of opposites, we share commonalities. One of those being a world where yearly pay has the potential to reflect its opposite world counterpart. That's right – a world where your reward is a decrease in pay.
Depending on yearly performance, it may be determined ( based on factors not yet known ) that a pay rate be adjusted to a lower rate. While no other known position at the company would be eligible for such a change, they feel such a groundbreaking policy would meet the company’s goals.
Rove continues to be blind to the growth potential that comes from a committed union workforce who are willing to commit themselves and the well being of their families to the success of Rove and even if they are able to maintain production values indefinably with the ever looming threat of being demoted the gains will degrade over time in the face of inflation making it almost certain that your best days at Rove are always behind you.
In closing, the company's proposal represents a significant step backward, with yearly decreases in pay and a bewildering array of beetle-named job titles that only add to the confusion. From the Stag Beetle to the Dung Beetle, each worker faces not only a loss of dignity but a relentless erosion of their wages. This regressive approach undermines our commitment to fair and equitable treatment. We stand united against such unjust practices, determined to secure a future where our hard work is rightfully recognized and rewarded.
CWA Bargaining Team
Bruce, Greg, Zach, Hector & Shari
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Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #27 - 06/20/24
Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #27
June 20th 2024
First, after months of talk, Rove finally hired a new employee in Oakdale, MN. Welcome Traci, to our CWA family.
Kinda of a drag!!! That is what it has felt like since we recognized 6 months of bargaining on June 6.
But when we do the math, that's only around 84 hrs. of time bargaining with Rove. Since our last report we have met with the company 6 times. Less than 12 additional hours spent in meaningful bargaining.
We rejected the company's counter to our card check neutrality proposal; they offered the current NLRB rules, which is how the workers originally organized. MEH.
The same company that does not believe in bereavement also cannot understand the concept of paid breaks!!
We advised the company that, at this point, we only have reached a tentative agreement on 25% of the proposals introduced.
The company's response is to be obsessed with their proposal restricting union leaders from appearing on the company premise - And introducing a dress code that seems heavily weighted against women. MEH.
Our answer is that the Rove workers have decided to hold a strike authorization vote open to all Rove call center workers in Oakdale who have signed CWA membership cards.
The strike vote will be this Thursday, 6/20/24, in the conference room, times are coming soon.
Respectfully submitted,
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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Local Urges Rove Workers to Authorize Strike
June 19th, 2024
CWA Local 7250 Urges YES Vote on Strike Authorization
To the Members of CWA 7250 employed by Rove Pest Control -
First – Let me say thank you for your perseverance and determination to bring a union contract to Rove Pest Control. Organizing with your co-workers, winning a union election, and then bargaining a contract can be exhausting.
But you have stayed strong, stayed united, and stayed focused on your goals. Your struggle has been an inspiration to our Local, to CWA as a whole, and to the Twin Cities Labor Movement.
On Thursday, June 20th 2024 during your lunch in the Conference Room, CWA 7250 members will vote whether to authorize a strike at Rove Pest Control. I want to be very clear what this means and does NOT mean – and why we firmly believe that you should vote YES.
Voting to authorize a strike is a step to show management that we are serious, that we are united, and that we are determined to win a good contract. It does NOT mean that we would go out on strike anytime soon.
It means that if there is a breakdown in bargaining, or if management is not serious about addressing our top issues that we are authorizing the Local, in cooperation with the District and International Communications Workers of America union – and in consultation with the community and especially with you – the workers - to call and win a strike.
A strong YES vote will send a message that we are determined to win better wages, benefits and union rights. It will give leverage to our representatives at the bargaining table.
While a NO vote would be a sign of weakness – a message that we are not ready to do what it takes to win what we deserve.
In order to vote sign up for Union Membership online or in the Conference Room tomorrow
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Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #26 - 05/24/24
Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #26
May 24th 2024
In the last two weeks we have met with the company three times. We have finally reached 80 hours of total bargaining since we started on December 6,
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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