Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #31 - 07/22/24
July 22nd 2024
In yet another baffling chapter of our negotiations, the company has decided that working from home requires employees to obtain home insurance, even when using our own equipment. Yes, it seems they believe our pc’s and coffee makers are potential hazards needing comprehensive coverage. This requirement is as ridiculous as it sounds – essentially turning our homes into mini-corporate offices with all the red tape and none of the perks.
Last Thursday, the CWA 7250 team rallied in full force for around our Rove location. With chants louder than a boardroom full of bad ideas, we took to the parking lot to demand fair treatment and decent wages. Armed with signs, spirit, and a sense of solidarity, we turned an ordinary day into a powerful statement against the company's relentless exploitation.
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chair: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #30 - 07/12/24
Rove Pest Control Bargaining Report #30
July 12th 2024
After seven arduous months of negotiations, we've finally reached an agreement on seniority, just in time for a quirky "Christmas in July" celebration. This new agreement ensures that our veteran workers get the recognition they deserve without making newer employees feel like they've been hit by a snowball. There is yet hope tiny Tim there is still hope, though I fear the biggest goose in all of London is still safe.
It's been a long, twisted road, filled with more back-and-forth than a game of ping-pong at the North Pole. Here’s to honoring the dedication of our senior members and proving that, even in the heat of July, we can achieve a little bit of Christmas magic.
Respectfully Submitted,
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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Twin Cities Pest Control Workers Authorize Strike & Call Rally
For Immediate Release:
July 10th, 2024
Oakdale, MN
On June 20th members of Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 7250 voted unanimously to authorize a strike if bargaining fails at Rove Pest Control company. While negotiations continue, and tentative agreements have been reached on a number of subjects, the top issues remain unresolved.
“It’s been one step forward – and two pay steps backwards, per the company’s proposals”, said Zach Sager, one of the call center employees. “Rove needs to get serious – or we’ll strike.”
Workers at the East Metro extermination company’s call center voted overwhelmingly to unionize with CWA Local 7250 back on September 15th 2023. The main issues that fueled the union drive were low wages, poor benefits, no funeral/bereavement time, and management’s disrespectful attitude towards hourly workers.
“Six months is too long to be negotiating for paid breaks, regular raises, accountable management, and union representation. This is starting to really bug me”, quipped Rove worker Greg Bute. “We need to get this pest under control.”
After more than 6 months of bargaining, the union workers at Rove believe it’s time to turn up the heat. Along with the strike authorization vote, CWA Local 7250 has announced a rally for Thursday, July 18th 2024 at 4:30pm at The Oaks Business Park at Rove Pest Control 7800 3rd St N # 1000, Oakdale, MN 55128. Members of CWA will be joined by members and leaders from the labor movement and elected officials from the region.
Senior Rove employee, Bruce Nielsen was blunt, “If these talks haven’t moved the action – maybe some action will move the talks”.
CWA Local 7250 Vice President Michelle Richardson, who oversaw the strike authorization vote, affirmed the union’s commitment to winning a fair contract, “As always, we will do whatever it takes.”
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CWA Local 7250
President Kieran F. Knutson
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Union Solidarity with Palestine Zoom Event - July 11th
Union Solidarity with Palestine Zoom Event - July 11th
On Thursday, July 11th 7:00pm Central CWA Local 7250 will host a Zoom event on Labor solidarity with the workers in Palestine.
Register here:
Speakers will include:
- CWA Technicians from NYC
- CWA Campus Workers from AZ
- MNA Union Nurse from MN
As the genocidal war against the people of Palestine continues into its 9th month, with more than 40 thousand killed - the majority woman and children - and hospitals, schools, houising and other infrastructure across Gaza obliterated, US politicians on both sides of the aisle continue to only enable and excuse the massacre.
What can union members here in the United States do to give solidarity to the working class Palestinians of Gaza? How can we help stop the war and support peace and justice for the Palestinans?
This event is open to interested Union members from across the country
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