Rove Pest Control - Bargaining Report #9 1/11/24
Today we met with the company and both sides presented counter proposals to previously introduced items.
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen, Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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Rove Pest Control - Bargaining Report #8 1/11/24
Bargaining Report #8
Happy New Year to all our Brothers and Sisters,
During the last few bargaining sessions thru record request, we had found that one bargaining unit member had be underpaid since 3/23 per the company’s current training courses (Compensation plan). We came to an agreement with the company to correct it and back pay on this current check. We advised the company; this mess would have been easily avoided with automatic raises and COLA (Cost of living adjustment).
The company countered some proposals.
Today we T.A. a proposal on No Strike No Lockout. And countered some company proposals. And introduced 5 new proposals to Rove.
Respectfully Submitted,
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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Rove Pest Control - Bargaining Report #7 12/28/23
Bargaining Report #7
A Christmas miracle!! Not actually, but we did get our bargaining unit members’ tenure gift!!
The company had no proposals. So it was Festivus for the rest of us. We introduced four proposals, including the subject of the airing of grievances.
As 2023 comes to a close, we will not have a bargaining session till January 10, 2024. The bargaining team wanted to thank the CWA 7250 membership for all its support in 2023. In 2024, we get it done!!! Next, a feat of strength!!
Respectfully Submitted,
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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Rove Pest Control - Bargaining Report #6 12/27/23
Bargaining Report #6
It looks like the companies Ebenezer Rove did not get visited the other day by the three ghost union members of the past, present, and future.
We told Ebenezer Rove about bargaining unit members who did not attend the company Christmas party or get a Christmas gift. The company explained they are tenure gifts but could not explain why they did not get a gift or the policy!
We rejected a company proposal on two job titles. It has the same job description, but one title has less pay. And the company can not explain why or follow their own rules.
We did reach a T.A. on non-discrimination that better protects our members.
Respectfully Submitted,
CWA 7250 Bargaining team at Rove
Co-Chairs: Bruce Nielsen & Shari Wojtowicz
Members: Greg Bute, Hector Capote
Alternate: Zach Sager
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